Blending modes are an effect used to blend the selected layer with the layers below. Different blend modes determine how the contents of the selected layer will blend.

Setting | Description |
Pass-Thru | (Groups only) This blend mode allows layers inside a group not set to Standard blend mode to affect layers outside the group. |
Standard | This is the default blend mode for layers, displaying opaque color information with no blending applied to layers beneath. |
Add | Brightens the base color to match the blend color, resulting in a lighter appearance. If the color is black, the blending produces no change. |
Multiply | This mode multiplies the colors of the current layer to the layers below, resulting in a darker appearance. |
Overlay | Uses the effects of the Multiply or Screen blend mode depending on the base color. It increases contrast and saturation while preserving the highlights and shadows of underlying layers. |
Screen | Inverts the layer’s colors and multiplies them with the colors of the layers below. The resulting colors will be brighter than the original colors. |
Lighten | Compares the brightness of the pixels in the current layer with the brightness of the pixels in the layers below it and selects the brighter of the two. This can be useful for brightening specific areas of an image. |
Darken | Compares the brightness of the pixels in the current layer with the brightness of the pixels in the layers below it, and selects the darker of the two. This can be useful for darkening specific areas of an image. |
Color Dodge | This blend mode brightens the base color by decreasing the contrast between it and the blend color. This blend mode is useful for creating highlights. |
Color Burn | This darkens the base color by increasing the contrast between it and the blend color. This blend mode is often used to create shadows or darken specific areas. |
Linear Burn | Darkens the colors of the current layer and is similar to Multiply. However, Linear Burn produces a more aggressive effect. This blend mode helps add depth and contrast to your textures. |