Navigation #
Action | Keys | Note |
Orbit | Alt + LMB | |
Pan | Alt + MMB | |
Zoom/Dolly | Alt + RMB | Standard Zoom/Dolly |
Zoom/Dolly (Alt) | Mouse Scroll Wheel | Alternate Zoom/Dolly |
FPS Navigation (WASD,QE) | WASD, QE | Alternate FPS Navigation |
Pan Up | Alt + Q | |
Pan Left | Alt + A | |
Pan Down | Alt + E | |
Pan Right | Alt + D | |
Dolly In | Alt + W | |
Dolly Out | Alt + S | |
Sky Rotation | Shift + RMB |
File #
Action | Keys | Note |
New Scene | Ctrl + N | |
Open Scene | Ctrl + O | |
Save Scene | Ctrl + S | |
Save Scene As | Shift + Ctrl + S | |
Import Model | Ctrl + I | Drag & drop the model into the viewport |
Export > Marmoset Viewer | Shift + Ctrl + V | |
Quit | Ctrl + Q |
Edit #
Action | Keys | Note |
Undo | Ctrl + Z | |
Redo | Shift + Ctrl + Z | |
Undo Camera | Ctrl + Y | |
Redo Camera | Shift + Ctrl + Y | |
Select | Q | |
Translate | W | |
Rotate | E | |
Scale | R | |
Transform (All) | T | |
World Space | Ctrl + T | Toggle Local/World Space |
Edit Pivot | D | With Translate or Transform Tools |
Snapping | Ctrl | Hold while Translating or Rotating |
Plugins > Run Again | Ctrl + / | |
Preferences | Ctrl + , |
View #
Action | Keys | Note |
Hide/Show Selection | Ctrl + H | Toggle Visibility |
Deselect | Shift + Ctrl + D | |
Frame Selection | Ctrl + F | |
Frame Scene | Shift + Ctrl + F | |
Frame Tool | Ctrl + Shift + MMB | |
Next Viewport Mode | . (Period) | |
Previous Viewport Mode | , (Comma) | |
Maximize Viewport | Shift + Space | Toggle (with Multiple Viewports) |
Show Guides | Ctrl + U | Toggle Visibility |
Full Screen | Ctrl + Return | Toggle Visibility |
Scene #
Action | Keys | Note |
Add Camera | Ctrl + K | |
Add Light (Spot) | Ctrl + L | |
Group Selection | Ctrl + G | |
Duplicate Selection | Ctrl + D | |
Lock Selection | Shift + L | Toggle Lock/Unlock |
Item Selection | Down/Up Arrows | Within Scene Hierarchy |
Expand/Collapse Scene Items | Right/Left Arrows | |
Item Visibility Toggle | LMB, Hold & Drag | Within Scene Hierarchy |
Camera – DoF Set Focus | Middle Click | On Geometry in Viewport |
Light Controller – Brightness – Distance to Object – Spot Cone Adjustment | Select Light in Scene – Ctrl + LMB – Ctrl + RMB – Ctrl + MMB |
Texture #
Action | Keys | Note |
Select All | Ctrl + A | |
Select None | Shift + Ctrl + D |
Material #
Action | Keys | Note |
New Material | Ctrl + M | |
Clear Unused | Ctrl + Backspace | |
Apply to Selection | Shift + Ctrl + A | You can also drag & drop material onto mesh in viewport |
Load Map | Drag & Drop on Material Slot | |
Smart Load | Drag & Drop onto Material preview | Loads multiple images into the appropriate inputs based on naming conventions |
Render #
Action | Keys | Note |
Viewport | F10 | |
Viewport to Clipboard | F9 | |
All Images | F11 | |
All Videos | F5 | |
Enable Raytracing | Ctrl + R | Toggles for the entire scene |
Reset to Full Quality | M | Resets to Full Quality render view for the active viewport. |
Window #
Action | Keys | Note |
Library | Shift + Ctrl + L | Toggles Window Visibility |
Selection #
Action | Keys | Note |
Select Additional Viewport | Ctrl + LMB | Works in Scene Hierarchy and Viewport |
Select Applied Material | Double Click mesh in Viewport | |
Rectangle/Ellipse Select | S (Cycle Key) | |
Lasso/Polygon Select | L (Cycle Key) | |
Face/UV Island/Mesh Select | O (Cycle Key) | Only within Texture Project |
Magic Wand | Ctrl + W | Only within Texture Project |
Animation #
Action | Keys | Note |
Play/Pause Animation | Ctrl + P | |
Next/ Previous Frame | Left/Right Arrow | |
Add Keyframe | Insert | |
Delete Keyframe(s) | Delete | |
Move Keyframe(s) 1 frame | Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow | |
Move Keyframe(s) 10 frame | Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow | |
Selection Range (Timeline) | Up/Down Arrows |
Baker #
Action | Keys | Note |
Bake All | Ctrl + B | |
Brush Size | [ & ] | |
Flow | 1 – 0 | |
Sharpness | Ctrl + [ & ] |
Painting #
Action | Keys | Note |
Paint | B | |
Erase | E | |
Flood Fill | F | |
Gradient | G | |
Opacity | 1-0 (Number Keys) | |
Size | [ & ] , Ctrl + Drag RMB | |
Rotation | Ctrl + Shift + Drag RMB | |
Hardness | Shift + [ & ] | |
Culling | ; & ‘ | |
Color Picker | P | With Fill/Paint Layer & Brush/Flood Fill Tool. |
Layers – Group | Ctrl + G | When Layers Tab has focus. |
Layers – Duplicate | Ctrl + D | When Layers Tab has focus. |
Layers – Delete | Delete | When Layers Tab has focus. |
Stencil | Enable Brush Tool | |
Toggle Stencil On/Off | Z | |
Rotate Stencil | Z + LMB | Hold Shift to snap. |
Pan Stencil | Z + MMB | |
Zoom Stencil | Z + RMB | |
Paint Straight Line | Hold Shift + LMB | |
Cycle Selected Map | Shift + , & Shift + . | Cycles the currently selected map in the Layers window. |
Vector Tools #
Action | Keys | Note |
Remove Control Point | RMB | Remove a control point when you have a shape selected. |
Perfect Shape | Shift | Make a perfect square or circle with the Rectangle or Circle tool. |
Create Centered | Ctrl | Center a Rectangle/Circle/Polygon at the mouse. |
Straight Angle | Shift | Constrain the Line tool to certain angles. |
Help > Dev #
Action | Keys | Note |
Reload Shaders | Shift + Ctrl + R | Works in Scene Hierarchy and Viewport. |
Performance | Shift + Ctrl + P | |
Console | Ctrl + ~ |