Release Date #
October 27th, 2014
Installers #
Windows: Download 2.06 (.exe)
OS X: Download 2.06 (.pkg)
Hotfix #
October 30th, 2014
Bug Fixes #
- Made skin shader compatible with 2.05 (and earlier) subdermis maps again
- Added “Skin Mask” to Subdermis Map alpha. Mask fades between “Lambert” and “Skin” diffusion models, should be a black or white value.
- “Skin Mask” affects shadow blur and normal smoothing properly
- Proper bounds now set for area light shadows
2.06 Changelog #
Feature Additions #
- Area Lights
- Color Curves
- Lens Distortion & Chromatic Aberration
- Lens Flares
- Scale Tool!
- Glass Preset Material
- Random sky now chosen for new scenes
Bug Fixes #
- Improved GGX quality & accuracy
- Large scene files (> 2 GB) are now supported
- Light & camera guides now only display for selected objects
- Improved behavior for framing selections with different FOV settings
- Shadows now cast properly from meshes without back face culling
- SSAO now takes aspect ratio into account properly
- Substance file paths now support spaces
- UI guide line width now behaves at all FOV settings
- Fixed redundant loading of data for faster boot
- Subdermis map/scatter value now mask normal smoothing and shadow blur in the skin shader