Release Date #
December 19th, 2013
Installers #
Windows: Download 2.02 (.exe)
OS X: Download 2.02 (.pkg)
2.02 Changelog #
Feature Additions #
- Object duplication (Ctrl+D)
- Viewport icons are now smaller and hideable (Ctrl+U)
- Shadow caster toggle for meshes
- Mesh info display
- Tangent-space option for vector displacement maps
- Improved material preview sphere
- Faster compressed TGA loading (about 4x)
- Additional post effect presets
- Window title now shows active file name
- Tutorials & links now under “Help” menu
- Credits window
Bug Fixes #
- Vector displacement no longer distorts under rotation
- Resolved “black box” artifacts on some imported meshes
- OBJ loader fix for high precision values
- sRGB color space now used properly for LDR sky images
- No more crashing when parenting an object under itself
- Contact refinement no longer runs unless shadows are enabled
- New scenes now properly reset sky settings
- Improved licensing behavior with proxies in Windows
- Mac .tbscene file association now works better
- Space bar now works on Mac
- Watermark tweaks