Table of Contents
Release Date #
August 3rd, 2023
Installers #
- Windows: Download 4.06 (.exe)
- OS X: Download 4.06 (.pkg)
4.064 Hotfix Changelog #
September 29th, 2023
Import & Export #
- Optimized export time for dense meshes.
- Objects that have a single material assignment no longer are written with sub-meshes, which improves compatibility with some renderers.
- Fixed a crash when importing USD files that contain vertex colors.
- Resolved a problem with writing UV data that was incompatible with certain applications.
- Fixed an issue with triangle winding that could cause inverted faces when reading USD files from certain applications.
- Texture tiling settings are now retained when importing USD files into other applications (where supported).
- Reflectivity is now disabled if not found in the material properties during import.
- Improved loading of missing textures in certain cases.
- Materials are now created with the dither method during import if a transparency texture is found.
- Clearcoat material values should now be read correctly on import.
Texturing #
- Fixed a problem with the brush tool that could cause a halo-like artifact when painting overlapping strokes with dark albedo values.
- Fixed a mipmapping error that could cause the viewport preview to diverge from the final exported textures.
Rendering #
- Fixed a bug with the raster renderer that could cause renders to take twice as long when motion blur was disabled.
Mesh & Animation #
- Resolved an issue with stray vertices when sub-division is applied to animated, skinned meshes.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when loading certain alembic files.
- The Subdivision Level setting is now retained when using PNTriangles and switching between modes.
- Selecting but not editing the path to a mesh file reference no longer causes a reload.
Library #
- Fixed a memory leak that could cause a crash on Mac when downloading many assets.
4.06 Changelog #
Import & Export #
- Added support for exporting selected meshes/objects.
- Turntable objects can now be exported.
- Shadow Catcher objects can now be exported.
- Fog objects can now be exported.
- Backdrop objects can now be exported.
- A progress bar now appears when exporting USD files.
- Mesh settings such as Cast Shadows, Cull Back Faces, Subdivision, etc are now retained when reimporting to Toolbag.
- Vertex colors now import and export correctly.
- UV-less meshes are no longer imported with corrupt UVs.
- Subdivision is no longer enabled when reimporting to Toolbag if Apply Subdivision was enabled on export. This prevents subdivision from being applied twice.
- Light settings including intensity, shape, etc are now retained when reimporting to Toolbag.
- Directional light brightness is now exported correctly.
- Spot light cone angle has been corrected.
- Brightness for omni and spot lights is now exported correctly for different scene units.
- Sky objects now retain their various settings when reimporting to Toolbag.
- Camera Limits and Curves are now retained when reimporting to Toolbag.
- The camera clipping plane is now set with a wider range and accounts for different scene scale settings.
- DOF values are no longer written when DOF is disabled, this prevents DOF from being enabled when loading in other applications.
- Fixed an issue with specific scenes that caused object transforms to be incorrect on import.
- Objects are now grouped in a world primitive on export, which solves compatibility issues with some applications.
- Fixed an issue where materials were not exported when they had names that matched objects.
- Simple material values for albedo and roughness are now exported correctly.
- Gloss values are now handled correctly when reimporting scenes to Toolbag.
- Emissive, displacement, and clearcoat material values are now exported.
- Exporting grayscale MPIC files no longer results in files with incorrect brightness/color space.
- Height and Transparency maps are now correctly converted from MPIC and exported for materials from the Library.
- Various Texture Project map types are now exported correctly.
- When importing USD files, the default Tangent Space and Orientation settings from Preferences are now applied.
- RG style MPIC normal maps now generate the blue channel on export, allowing them to be used in other applications which do not support the RG format.
- Normal map scaling has been corrected which resolves lighting artifacts in Nvidia Omniverse.
- Tangents are no longer included with USD files, resolving some shading issues with normal maps.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when names of objects and/or materials matched.
- Fixed a crash when exporting a scene with a texture project and parallax map output.
Other File Types
- It is now possible to export meshes with quads and n-gons for all file types that support them.
- A Weld Vertices option has been added.
- Internal triangulation for quads and n-gons is now consistent when exporting and importing various mesh file types.
- Sub-meshes or meshes with multiple material assignments are now supported.
- Added per-file type settings to toggle importing of material values. By default USD is enabled and all other types are disabled as they generally do not contain meaningful material properties. This can be found in Edit -> Preferences.
- Additional export options such as Triangulate, Apply Subdivisions and Apply Displacement are now available for glTF, FBX, OBJ, and Collada (where applicable/supported).
- The glTF export writes valid files again.
- Apply Subdivision no longer creates triangulated meshes.
- Lights imported via FBX should now face in the correct direction.
- Light intensity should now import and export correctly with FBX files.
- The file type for Marmoset Viewer now defaults to .mview again.
- Parent objects are no longer exported when exporting selected objects.
- Object visibility no longer inherits from an object’s parent.
Texturing #
- Added a rotation setting for the texture boxes in the Dirt and Scratch layer types.
- The Fit to Brush setting now produces correctly transformed normal map content on a wide range of surfaces.
- The Fit to Brush setting now applies pixel padding, solving a problem with slight gaps along UV seams.
- Grayscale textures from the library are no longer interpreted as single channel red images when loaded into color texture slots.Fixed an inconsistency with blend modes when using linear space for color texture maps like albedo.
- Contrast is now being applied in the correct order for some processor and procedural layers, avoiding clamping of brightness values when using low intensity and high contrast settings.
- The preview for layers in the mask stack will no longer become out of date when their parent layer or group is disabled.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a layer in the mask stack to not show its contents when it was masked as well.
- Fixed an issue that would result in a blank mask if mask layers were in a group.
- Thumbnails are now accurately displayed for various layer types when using negative Sharpen values.
- Procedural effects with multiple noise passes (Clouds, Perlin, Turbulence) now work as expected when the amount of passes is an even number.
- Custom template materials can no longer affect how material previews are rendered.
- The direction processor layer now remembers its settings in custom mode.
- Improved brush wrapping when using sticker projection mode.
- Pixel padding is now consistent when exporting at a resolution that differs from the project resolution.
- Perlin noise based procedural effects now match on Windows and Mac platforms and render faster. This change will result in a visual difference in any existing scenes that use these layer types.
Rendering & Materials #
- The EXR file format has been added for video output, enabling the creation of HDR image sequences.
- The list of suffixes for auto-loading textures has been updated.
- Ambient Occlusion now works with orthographic cameras.
- Materials with transparency now render correctly in Ray Tracing mode with UVs that go out of the 0-1 bounds.
- Fixed an issue where materials could render incorrectly when using the various transmission shading models and a mask texture.
- Mipmapping can now be disabled with MPIC texture files, which are used for materials and images in the asset library.
- Spot Vignette now works in Ray Tracing mode and has been moved to the Gel Panel. This setting is only available when a gel image is loaded.
- Fixed a crash with the Light Controller tool when Use Normal Map was enabled.
- Fixed a bug that could cause black artifacts when using the sharpen post effect.
Baking #
- Fixed a crash when baking lighting maps with a material that had Subsurface Scattering enabled.
Mesh & Animation #
- Animated camera FOV is now supported when importing FBX files.
- UVs borders are now smoothed when subdivision is applied, correcting distortion in the resulting UVs.
- Triangles in Alembic files no longer pinch when sub-division is applied.
- Adjusting the Geometry Reduction setting in a mesh’s properties no longer resets displacement mapping.
- Fixed a crash that could happen after moving a mesh object and undoing.
- Fixed a crash that was caused by null mesh objects saved to the scene.
- The visibility state of animation properties in the Keyframe window is now retained when adding and removing shading models in a material.
- The connecting lines between keyframe points in the Keyframe window are no longer chopped off when two points are close together.
- Dragging the yellow timeline market in the Keyframe window now fully resets the rendered result to the current frame.
UI/Misc #
- A Frame tool has been added to center the camera by clicking on a point in the scene. This can be triggered with Ctrl + MMB as well (Cmd + Alt + Shift + RMB on Mac).
- Mouse pan speed has been improved.
- Drawers in the material editor now remember their state and do not get expanded or collapsed on undo or redo.
- Tooltips now only show up when the mouse is still.
- Toolbag will no longer steal mouse focus while the application is loading.
- Fixed a crash that could trigger if you tried to drag a library asset before its thumbnail downloaded.
- Fixed an issue with the file path display in the Resource Locator when a Bake Project was referencing a missing PSD file.
- Fix an issue with the Focus tool where the incorrect mouse cursor would be drawn over the viewport.
- It is now possible to close the application after a failed login attempt.
- Fixed a crash when loading a scene that referenced a corrupt PSD file.
- Fixed an error when loading scenes with Chinese characters in the file path.
Library #
- Object presets have been added as a new asset type.
- 17 primitive mesh presets have been added.
- 7 furniture presets have been added.
- 4 lighting presets have been added.
Python #
- Added new scene export methods for python.
- Various minor fixes and improvements.
Viewer #
- Skinned, animated meshes will now export with sub-division disabled, this resolves a bug where animations would fail to play if sub-division was enabled.
- Animated shadows now draw correctly.